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Check Property Tax Balance

This service enables you to enquire the property tax balance & the payment mode of property in the Valuation List.

To search, please enter by:

  • Property Address / Postal Code [Property owner's identity is required] or
  • Property Tax Reference Number (e.g. 1234567A)
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
myTax Portal is a secured and personalised portal for you to view and manage your tax transactions with IRAS.

© 2024, Government of Singapore. Last updated on 01 Jul 2024

IRAS 27/07/2024-03P

  • © 2024, Government of Singapore
  • Last updated on 01 Jul 2024
  • IRAS 27/07/2024-03P

About myTax Portal

This application is a service of the Singapore Government.

myTax Portal is a secured, personalised portal for you to view and manage your tax transactions with IRAS, at your convenience.
